Okay.. Now its time to write a little about the two Wizards in The Lord Of The Rings.
And dont worry! Right now i only write about the characters, and there part in the story, but i will of cause write more about The Wizarts, The Hobbits, The Elfs and The Orcs later. This is just a start!^
Good Wizard!
Mithrandir, Olórin, Gandalf Greyhame, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, The White Rider
Stormcrow, Incánus, Tharkûn AND,
He is Bilbos old friend, and he finds out that he has The One Ring. He sends Frodo and Sam to Rivendell. They hold the meeting in Rivendell. Gandalf becomes a part of the Brotherhood. He maybe dies in the Mines Of Moria, maybe killed by a Balrog:) He returns in The two towers, as Gandalf the white. He fights in a lot of wars, saves Faramir with Pippin, makes King Theodon young again, and so much more.
Evil Wizard!
Saruman, Curunír, Curumo
Saruman is in the beginning Gandalfs companion. But he passes to the dark side. Saruman begind to create orcs, and he makes war all over the place-.- In The two Towers, Isengaard (where he has his "base") Merry and Pippin attacs the place with there new friend Treebeard, (a tree) an his friends.(more trees) The whole place gets flooded. In the Return of the King he falls down from his tower in Isengaard, and dies.
That was the two Wizarts!:)