It has been soooo long time since the last time i wrote something in here! But i dont really feel like i HAVE to write something alle the time... i do it, when i feel like it!:)
I want to write about the human people in The Lord Of The Rings.

mandag den 21. november 2011
onsdag den 19. januar 2011
Okay.. Now its time to write a little about the two Wizards in The Lord Of The Rings.
And dont worry! Right now i only write about the characters, and there part in the story, but i will of cause write more about The Wizarts, The Hobbits, The Elfs and The Orcs later. This is just a start!^
Good Wizard!
Mithrandir, Olórin, Gandalf Greyhame, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, The White Rider
Stormcrow, Incánus, Tharkûn AND,
He is Bilbos old friend, and he finds out that he has The One Ring. He sends Frodo and Sam to Rivendell. They hold the meeting in Rivendell. Gandalf becomes a part of the Brotherhood. He maybe dies in the Mines Of Moria, maybe killed by a Balrog:) He returns in The two towers, as Gandalf the white. He fights in a lot of wars, saves Faramir with Pippin, makes King Theodon young again, and so much more.
Evil Wizard!
Saruman, Curunír, Curumo
Saruman is in the beginning Gandalfs companion. But he passes to the dark side. Saruman begind to create orcs, and he makes war all over the place-.- In The two Towers, Isengaard (where he has his "base") Merry and Pippin attacs the place with there new friend Treebeard, (a tree) an his friends.(more trees) The whole place gets flooded. In the Return of the King he falls down from his tower in Isengaard, and dies.
That was the two Wizarts!:)
tirsdag den 18. januar 2011
So.... now its time to write a little bit about Elfs. I love Elfs! So here comes some lovely fakts.
Legolas Greenleaf:
Legolas goes trough a LOT in the three movies! I guess that you have seen the movies, since you are here, and it would tak waaay to much time for me to write everything!!
Arwen Undómiel:
She saves Frodos life in The Fellowship Of The Ring, when he gets stabbed by a black rider. She is also is Aragorns "girlfriend" but its hard to be in love when you come from to hole different worlds. They get married in the end of the movie trilogy.
Elrond - Lord of Rivendell:
Elrond do also have some of the honer, when it comes to save Frodo.
Elrond was also alive when Saruron lost The Ring at the battlfield.
He is a Half-elven, but he later chose to become part of Elf kind.
she is called The Lady of Lorien, The Lady of Galadhrim, Lady of light or The Lady of the wood.
She shelters The Brotherhood for a night. When they had to leave she gave them some gifts. Pippin an Merry gets daggarts, Sam gets Elf rope, Legolas gets a bow, She cant give Aragorn a gift, there is greater then what he aldredy bears around is neck: The Evening star. Gimli gets 2 locks of her hair and Frodo gets the light of Eärendil. Boromir didn't get anything... bad luck:)
Haldir - Elf of lothlórien:
He "welcomes" The Brotherhood, before they walk into Galadriels "territory" with some lovely arrows:)
But they become friends, when he comes to help the people in Helms Deep with his elf-army, when the big war is coming. Haldir dies ín that war, on the battlefield.
well.... he is Galadriel's husband, and he is the one that says "tell me where is Gandalf, couse i must desire to speak with him":D
That was all the Elfs i think!
now i'm tired...
Well well well.... now its time to write about some Hobbits!

Frodo Baggins(Frodo) gets a mission. He will be the one to carry the Ring into Mordor, and throw it into the mount doom.

Samwise gamgee(Sam) gets caught into listen at a very secret conversation between Gandalf and Frodo. As a "punishment" he has to walk with Frodo to the Mount doom.
Meriadoc Brandybuck(Merry)
and his friend Pippin/Merry walks with Frodo and Sam, until the Brotherhood breaks up. Then a LOT of things happen for them.... we will have that story later.

Bilbo Baggins(Bilbo) finds the ring. At his 111 years birthday he disappers, becouse he wants to see more of the world. He leaves The Ring to Frodo.
Done John!
Frodo Baggins(Frodo) gets a mission. He will be the one to carry the Ring into Mordor, and throw it into the mount doom.
Samwise gamgee(Sam) gets caught into listen at a very secret conversation between Gandalf and Frodo. As a "punishment" he has to walk with Frodo to the Mount doom.
Meriadoc Brandybuck(Merry)
and his friend Pippin/Merry walks with Frodo and Sam, until the Brotherhood breaks up. Then a LOT of things happen for them.... we will have that story later.
Peregrin Toker(Pippin)
Bilbo Baggins(Bilbo) finds the ring. At his 111 years birthday he disappers, becouse he wants to see more of the world. He leaves The Ring to Frodo.
Done John!
Okay..... Orcs isn't the most beutiful creatures.. but.. they cant help there uglyness, so lets give them a chance!
I actually have the names on some of them:) Lets get to now them a little.
Here is just a small selection of some of them:)

Grishnákh - captain of the Orcs in the Dark Towerand chases Merry and Pippin into The Fangorn Forrest.) Creepy!:D

Gorbag - captain of the orc troops in Minas Morgul.

Shagrat-Uruk hai, Kaptain in the tower of Minas morgul.

Gothmo g- chief Orc at Battle of Pelennor Fields in "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. We all know him!

Lurtz- Uruk hai, Isengaard (Sarumans first Uruk hai)

Uglúk-Uruk hai

Snaga - Orc of Mordor.
I Guess that was enough for now...:)
I actually have the names on some of them:) Lets get to now them a little.
Here is just a small selection of some of them:)
Grishnákh - captain of the Orcs in the Dark Towerand chases Merry and Pippin into The Fangorn Forrest.) Creepy!:D
Gorbag - captain of the orc troops in Minas Morgul.
Shagrat-Uruk hai, Kaptain in the tower of Minas morgul.
Gothmo g- chief Orc at Battle of Pelennor Fields in "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. We all know him!
Lurtz- Uruk hai, Isengaard (Sarumans first Uruk hai)
Uglúk-Uruk hai
Snaga - Orc of Mordor.
I Guess that was enough for now...:)
mandag den 17. januar 2011
Hey everybody!
Hello! This is my first post in here. If u dont now what LOTR stands for(then your stupid-.-) im just kidding^^' It stands for Lord Of The Rings. As u might have guessed, i am a huge fan og LOTR. On this site, u can read about the characters, the story and so much more. I have read the books, they were very good, but actually i think that the movies are the best?! They are amazing! If u love LOTR just as much as i do, then become a follower in here!
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